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GENerate: Student Art Exhibition 2025

  • The Base
  • Free (suggested entry donation to The Base Greenham, charity no 1199188)
The Base Generate logo.

Marvel at the next GENeration of artists' creations.

Featuring artworks created by students from local schools, sixth forms and colleges, this curated exhibition showcases and celebrates the imagination and creativity of young artists.

Participating education settings include: Basingstoke College of Technology, Cheam School, Downe House School, Elstree School, iCollege Alternative Education, Mary Hare School, St Bartholomew's School, St Gabriel's School, The Hurst School, Trinity School and University Centre Newbury.

Supported by Greenham Trust

two people looking at a row of paintings on the wall
foot of a wooden statue standing on a pile of three art books
a woman looking forward at a row of hung artwork along a wall

The Base GENerate 2025 Student Art Application

WORD 40.11KB


Open Wednesday to Sunday, 10am - 5pm

Location: The Gallery, The Base

FREE entry (suggested donation on the door)

There is no need to print or collect a ticket as the team will have a record of those who have booked.

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