Payroll giving

If you are a UK taxpayer and wish to contribute to the Corn Exchange each payday from your gross pay, you can do so cost effectively and easily via a Payroll Giving scheme.
Payroll Giving schemes are regulated by HMRC and administered by a registered Payroll Giving Agency and allow employees and pensioners to make regular tax efficient donations from their pre-tax pay or pension to any UK registered charity.
Regular donations made through Payroll Giving are made automatically, each payday, directly from your gross pay or pension. Anyone can join Payroll Giving if their pay or pension is taxed through PAYE and their employer offers the scheme.
To make your donation:
Decide how much you’d like to pledge each payday. A £10 pledge would only ‘cost’ a standard rate tax payer £8 and a higher rate tax payer just £6.
Check if your employer or pension provider is on a Payroll Giving scheme. If they are, you can contribute and submit a Payroll Giving instruction electronically. Click here for a link to an example electronic Donation Choice Form from CAF (Charities Aid Foundation).
If your employer is not on a Payroll Giving scheme, and would like to set one up, point them in the direction of a payroll giving agency, such as the CAF Give As You Earn webpage for employers.
Do get in touch with us and let us know that you’ll be joining our special community of supporters or if you need more information about Payroll Giving. You can get in touch with us at