Post-Natal Pilates
- Learning Centre
- Full Price £95 (per 10 week course)

Join Fi from Fitter Mother, a qualified postnatal specialist, for this gentle and low-impact post-natal Pilates class.
Work on body alignment, posture, restoring core strength and mobility. Bring along your baby whilst you work out and grab a coffee afterwards in our café bar. A great place to make new parent friends!
Location: Learning Centre
Course dates: Tuesdays, 14 Jan - 25 Mar (no session w/c 17 Feb)
Duration: Session 1: 10am - 11am, Session 2: 11am - 12pm
Suitable for those 6 weeks post-natal onwards and their babies.
Includes a regular tea or filter coffee from the Café Bar after the session
All tickets must be booked in advance.
There is no need to print or collect a ticket as the team will have a record of those who have booked. Booking for workshops and courses close 24 hours before the start time. Please note we reserve the right to cancel any course or workshop if the minimum numbers are not met. If we are not able to run a workshop you will be informed three working days ahead of the course or workshop start date.
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