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Supper Club

  • Corn Exchange Balcony Bar
  • Every Wednesday 4pm - 6pm  / 
  • Free (Call the Box Office on 01635 522733 to receive a booking code)
A wooden table with a close-up of juice in a glass, a cookie and a platter of carrots and hummus on a white plate. A colouring sheet with black and white outline drawings sits beside it with colour pens on top of it.

Enjoy a free, warm meal with your loved ones, plus fun creative activities for the kids.

We are pleased to have recently been awarded funding from Greenham Trust to establish a supper club scheme. The scheme is to support families who may be struggling financially due to the cost of living or, if you are school staff, it may be those families who are in receipt of Pupil Premium.

What is Supper Club?

Supper club runs weekly in the Corn Exchange Balcony Bar from 4pm – 6pm on Wednesday evenings. A free of charge set meal with pudding will be provided, alongside a creative activity pack for the children in any group attending.

Spaces are free but limited in number. The hot meal will be set, but dietary requirements will be catered for. 

How to book: 

Call the Box Office on 01635 522733 if you would benefit from this or would like to nominate someone you know. Then you will receive a booking code for supper club dates. 

Families will be able to book a single supper club date or multiple dates with a code provided or over the phone.

Location: Balcony Bar

Timings: Wednesdays, 4pm - 6pm