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World Crafts at the Corn Exchange

  • Over 55
  • Corn Exchange Balcony Bar
  • Free (pre-booking required)
A group of women sat at a wooden table with art supplies laid out on the table

Explore the arts and crafts of cultures around the world and master them yourselves in our weekly World Crafts workshops with artist Mandy Allport and Jacky Purtill.

The first Friday of each month will be led by artists Mandy Allport and Jacky Purtill and the other Fridays will give you a chance to refine the techniques you’ve learned with the group. New to the UK? Come along with your own country's crafts and share them too.

Duration: 10.30am - 12pm

Course dates: Fridays,

Summer dates: 1 March – 30 August

Autumn dates: 6 September - 20 December

This is an on-going course that takes place every Friday (except the 4th Friday of every month)

Materials are provided on the first session of each month, but for the rest of the month please bring your own materials.

Presented as part of our Ageing Creatively programme for ages 55+.

All tickets must be booked in advance.
There is no need to print or collect a ticket as the team will have a record of those who have booked. Booking for workshops and courses close 24 hours before the start time. Please note we reserve the right to cancel any course or workshop if the minimum numbers are not met. If we are not able to run a workshop you will be informed three working days ahead of the course or workshop start date.

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