Holiday Art Club
This Easter holiday, join our art club for a fun filled adventure! Try out exciting new media and work on your own project.
Our weekly sessions focus on drama activities and games that build upon the young performers’ confidence, social skills, and creativity. We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming space for all to flourish.
Every year we aim to give our Youth Theatre participants the opportunity to perform on the Corn Exchange Stage and take part in large scale productions with professional teams.
This Easter holiday, join our art club for a fun filled adventure! Try out exciting new media and work on your own project.
Join artist Gemma Kirby in the Balcony Bar for our fun pre-show workshops.
Come and get creative this Easter!
Join us for some creative fun in the school holidays. Activities include arts and crafts, drama and more!
A relaxed, first introduction for pre-schoolers to experience live music up close.
Join artist Gemma Kirby for these fun messy story sessions that are based around popular children’s books.
Have fun getting creative with your little ones on Thursdays!
Join Mark Jones at our Learning Centre for this morning Family Tai Chi session.
Join us for this Memory Café x My First Notes session.
Enjoy a morning of relaxation with the whole family.
Come and explore mark-making and collage on a large scale to produce a collaborative landscape that will go on display in the Runway Gallery.
Join artist Gemma Kirby in the Balcony Bar for our fun pre-show workshops.
Capture your baby's footprints in clay to keep forever with Base resident artist Cáit Gould.
Join us for this fun, creative after school club for children aged 7-11.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the first 5-week course from Tue 14 January - Tue 11 February is unfortunately no longer be taking place. The Box Office team will be in touch with those who have booked tickets and we apologise for any disappointment.
Join artist-printmaker Hannah Cantellow to create an artwork using recycled materials and objects from your home.
A fun introduction to making a concertina style book with decorative covers and a ribbon tie.
Join us for some creative fun in the school holidays. Activities include arts and crafts, drama and more!
Join our art club this half term to experiment with different art techniques and creative projects!
Come and join us for this series of free drop-in workshops for the whole family.
Explore the Gallery and creative spaces of The Base through songs, stories, sensory play and movement with professional classical singer Louise Ashdown.
Calling all film fans!
Find out about work experience at the Corn Exchange!