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Create a Space

A group of students stand in a hall in front of people sat on black fold up chairs while a man in the crowd stands up pointing a finger

Supporting confidence, mental health and wellbeing for young adults not in employment, education or training (16 - 25)

The Corn Exchange has been developing our arts and health programme for the past 3 years. As part of this wider initiative, Create a Space works with NEET (not in employment, education or training) young people to provide opportunities for personal development and social re-connection through engagement in practical arts-based learning. The project aims to contribute to positive change for participants and support their pathways to education and employment opportunities. 

We’re grateful to have received a Community Learning grant from West Berkshire Council to run 5 courses of Create a Space over the 2024-25 academic year. 

What does the course involve?

Create a Space is a 6 week course which has been designed to support the development of young people by increasing their confidence, encouraging positive thinking and helping to raise aspirations. Each course is led by two experienced drama practitioners who will work through a range of drama activities and vocal work. Activities focus on confidence building, resilience, ways of combatting stress and finding your voice, and will develop skills in teamwork, trust and self confidence, positive thinking, and presentation skills. 

We’re grateful to have received a Community Learning grant from West Berkshire Council to run 5 courses of Create a Space over the 2024-25 academic year.  

Fee: Free, thanks to the support of West Berkshire Council 

For further information please contact our Learning and Participation team at

Upcoming Courses

We are pleased to offer our Create a Space sessions at the Waterside Centre in Spring 2025. We are working with Alex Pye (Careers and Participation Officer, West Berkshire Council) and Amy Trigwell-Jones (Drama Practitioner and Careers Advisor) to offer young people a safe and supportive environment where they can build confidence and life skills through drama-based activities.

The main course will be offered as 6 weekly sessions running on Thursday afternoons from 27 February to 3 April 2025.

We know that leaving the house and travelling somewhere else for sessions can be a barrier in itself, so we will arrange transport for participants.

To register your interest, please complete the registration form.  

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact Louise Ashdown (Funded Project Officer) at or on 01635 582666 (option 3).