A crafty Christmas at The Base
We have an amazing range of fantastically festive workshops in store later this year, providing the perfect opportunity for you to catch up with friends in the run-up to Christmas!
We have an amazing range of fantastically festive workshops in store later this year, providing the perfect opportunity for you to catch up with friends in the run-up to Christmas!
We have an amazing range of fantastically festive workshops in store later this year, providing the perfect opportunity for you to catch up with friends in the run-up to Christmas!
New Season Ticket Offer for Theatre and Dance Shows At The Corn Exchange
Thousands of people flocked to Newbury town centre on Saturday 25 June to experience Dominoes, a 1km long domino run that meandered its way through the town. Check out our video to see the event in action!
Corn Exchange Newbury is excited to announce Pride in Newbury, a LGBTQ+ film festival programmed in association with Newbury Pride, will take place in its cinema from Friday 1 July to Thursday 14 July.
We would like to say a big thank you to the Miss Lawrence Trust for its generous donation of £1,560.
We’ve got spectacular assortment of arty activities for young people to enjoy this summer holiday.
Ballet Black bring its new show for 2022 to Corn Exchange Newbury, as part of their twentieth anniversary celebrations on Wednesday 22 June.
Today we have announced a new temporary home for our Learning Centre programme of work as from September 2022 it moves to share premises with Hogan Music on Bartholomew Street.
This bank holiday weekend, we will be open the following hours...