Panto Cast In The Spotlight: Chloe Gentles

Q&A with Chloe Gentles
With the start of panto fast approaching we will be getting to know this years cast of Beauty and the Beast a little bit better. Our first panto cast member in the spotlight is Chloe Gentles, who is returning from our 2021 Panto Cinderella to play Belle.
Have you been in a pantomime before? If so, which one(s) and what is your favourite thing
about performing in one?
Yes! I was Cinderella in Newbury's Corn Exchange Cinderella in 2021! It was so much fun. It was the first
pantomime I have ever done. My favourite thing about being in a panto, is bringing festive joy to all running up to Christmas day. I love knowing that the show will be a lot of childrens first show, which is super exciting and a privilege.
Is there a specific performance night that you are looking forward to the most?
Yes, the adult only night! They were so much fun last time and I'm looking forward to them again this year.
Also, I'm looking forward to our charity Gala Night.
Do you have any pre-show rituals to help you get into character?
Yes! I love having a throat tea and blaring out some tunes to get me in the zone.
Do you have any Christmas traditions?
Erm, not really. I do make sure I watch the Top of the Pops show every year, with a glass of fizz!
What is your favourite Christmas song?
I absolutely love All I want for Christmas is you, It's an absolute banger!
What’s your favourite Christmas film?
ooo this is hard, I'm going to say The Holiday, I am a sucker for a romantic Comedy.
Are you looking forward to spending the festive season in Newbury?
Absolutely! I love Newbury! It's such a lovely town and the people are wonderful.
Beauty and the Beast runs from Friday 24 November to Sunday 31 December 2023. Find out more and book your tickets here.