Welcome back to the Learning Centre!

Welcome back! We are planning to reopen the doors of our Covid-secure Learning Centre on Monday 12 April with a programme of Easter holiday workshops for children, young people and families, as part of the government's next step out of lockdown.
We will then be running weekly early years classes from Monday 19 April.
Alongside our wonderful artists and practitioners delivering the sessions each week, our Learning and Participation team will be available to answer any questions you may have about booking new classes, or returning to a session you have previously enjoyed. You can reach us on the phone on 01635 582666, and from Monday 12 April a member of staff will always be around at the Learning Centre in person to assist in any way we can.
The Learning and Participation team are:
Charlotte Hall, Head of Programming and Engagement
Hannah Elder, Engagement Manager
Rebecca Smith, Early Years and Education Coordinator
Ellie Rudge, Learning and Participation Assistant
Returning to the Learning Centre
On entering the building you should wear a face covering and use the hand sanitiser provided as you come in. We also ask you to keep a safe distance from other participants and staff members as you enter.
During your time with us, there will be a participant only accessible toilet available for use.
As you leave the Learning Centre at the end of your class you will be encouraged to sanitise your hands.
Face coverings in sessions
In accordance with the Government guidelines, anyone over the age of 11 entering the building should wear a mask throughout their time in our Learning Centre unless you are medically exempt. We will ensure that any changes to this guidance are communicated to you as they occur.
We have scheduled extra time in between each class in the Learning Centre to allow us to clean touch points and surfaces after each session. You will also be welcome to use antibacterial wipes for any of your own resources to clean these before you leave the space.
Arriving before your class
We have allowed extra time in between sessions to ensure that on arrival you are not met by a group leaving the class before. However, if you arrive early, please wait outside the Learning Centre and queue against the wall to the left of the building.
Please wait for a member of staff or the practitioner leading your session to meet you at the door before entering the building.
Illness and self-certifying
Whilst we can’t wait to see you return, if you feel unwell and are unsure of your symptoms please do stay at home. All staff and practitioners will also be self-certifying that they are well before coming into the building. If you present with any COVID-19 symptoms while in a class you should return home immediately and self-isolate and arrange to have a test. We have a test and trace system in place should we need to notify you if you may have been in the company if anyone who has had a positive test.
If you’d like to know more about our Covid-19 safety guidelines or if you have any questions/concerns about returning to the Learning Centre, please send us an email at getinvolved@cornexchangenew.co.uk
We hope you enjoy your first visit back to the Learning Centre and are as pleased as we are to return. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!