We've Been Awarded The Bronze Plastic Free Newbury Award!

Lets kick-start Plastic Free Month with a celebration!
We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Bronze Plastic Free Newbury Award! The award is with Plastic Free Communities whose mission is to tackle the usage surrounding single-use plastics.
As part of the Award, one of the main requirements to be considered for the award was to prove that we’d removed at least three single-use plastic items from our venue. You will have likely seen our recent announcements surrounding our Plastic Free Sweet Kiosk, which will save around 9000 single-use plastic sweet wrappers from ending up in landfill every year.
We also purchased an ice machine to eliminate the need to buy bags of ice.
The third thing we did was switching our teabags. A small but mighty change. By switching to Clipper Tea, who stopped sealing their teabags with plastic in 2018, we have taken another step to eliminate microplastics in our soil, seas and even our drinking water. Another single-use plastic item bites the dust!
Going plastic free doesn’t mean cutting out plastic usage completely, as it’s actually a very useful material! Our branded reusable cups we have at our Café Bar are plastic but we make sure to collect them back up and wash them after every show/event to be used again and again.
Plastic in itself is not the enemy but, the excessive use of single-use, throw-away plastic is; in fact, it makes up 1 in 5 pieces of litter found! Food and drink items are also the worst for it which is why we’ve focused so much on removing it from our Café Bar area.
Now this Award isn’t just for us it’s for you too, for supporting us and our efforts in our Café Bar. It’s for returning your cups after shows, for buying our canned drinks, or even for treating yourself to one of our delicious baked goods supplied to us by Camilla Brown. Well done!
We invite you to continue on this plastic free journey with us, as we aim for the Silver Award next. We also encourage you to challenge yourself and see what single-use plastic you can begin to phase out from your life.