World Mental Day: Arts for Wellbeing

On World Mental Health Day, we are highlighting the work we do which uses participation in creative activity to improve mental health locally.
We have been developing this programme of work since 2020, which now ranges from creative sessions for adults dealing with mental health challenges, to practical training sessions for new care staff in West Berkshire, to free access for secondary schools to art journalling courses supporting mental health and resilience among students. Working in partnership with local GP surgeries, social prescribers, local schools and third sector organisations the Corn Exchange’s Art for Health programme uses creative activities to provide an individualised approach to improve patient health and wellbeing.

Creative Art Journaling: Young Minds offers a visual voice for children and young adults who might otherwise find it difficult to articulate their emotions. Art journals become a safe place to explore and unload to help self-regulate and build resilience. Sessions are a chance to reflect and explore using mixed media, mindfulness and lots of creative fun techniques to produce a private journal. To date 80% of students participating reported that they felt more able to attend school, with 90% saying that the sessions had helped with managing emotions or behaviour.
One student who is usually mute nodded throughout [the practitioners] personal story & even spoke to her at the end. Their teacher commented how amazed she was that he had done this as he rarely says a word to anyone. He also stayed the longest and did not want to go because he wanted to finish his page.
Support Artist
Singing for Recovery vocal sessions have a focus on wellbeing using vocal warm-ups, singing techniques and group singing to promote relaxation and enjoyment in a friendly environment. These sessions aim to help build the confidence needed for recovery through singing with support and guidance from a professional singer.
In 2022 I was diagnosed with a condition called Psoriatic Arthritis. It is an autoimmune disease that affects the joints and other areas of the body and causes severe pain and fatigue... In June 2022 I was at my worst and when I couldn’t see a way forward I took an overdose to try and end it all. I was saved. I am still struggling to accept I cannot do the things I used to, but having tried some other things I have finally found something I really enjoy. And the way you lead the group is amazing, making everyone feel really welcome and part of it. I’ve always enjoyed singing and this was just what I needed.
Singing For Recover Participant

We have recently partnered with Vamos Theatre and West Berkshire Council Adult Social Care to embed a crucial training scheme for all Council employed carers and Day Centre staff, supporting the use of creative engagement within their everyday practice.
Working with the Corn Exchange Ageing Creatively team has provided us with a great opportunity to facilitate a really immersive training opportunity for social care staff, both from our care home teams and those working in the community. Many of our them have commented on the profound impact the experience has had on them, leading them to reflect on their practice and new ways they can adapt their approach.
Service Manager
Arts for Health is a key area of work for the Corn Exchange, and we are currently running a fundraising campaign to refurbish the Old Library in Newbury to become the hub for all the creative participation work we deliver locally – a permanent home which will enable them to expand our delivery to benefit even more local people. More information about the Old Library campaign is available below.