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Wonderful is a weekly 30 minute intervention designed to boost children’s mental wellbeing by exploring what they find wonderful through discussion, journaling, drama and art.

Recognising your gratitude for the wonderful things in your life has a proven impact on wellbeing, it can improve resilience, productivity, social relationships, sleep, mood and overall enjoyment of life- what’s not to love!

During Wonderful, the children will be taught the meaning of gratitude, how gratitude benefits us and how to express gratitude in a positive way. They will also have the opportunity to share things about their lives that aren’t wonderful and learn ways to self-care.

For 4 weeks, a Corn Exchange Practitioner will lead the club, transitioning in the following 2 weeks to a supporting role, teaching designated Wonderful Champions within the club to run it without adult support- in order that it may continue once the project ends!

For more information, please contact our Early Years and Education Officer Rebecca Smith or call 01635 582666.