- Remuneration: The role of Trustee is not accompanied by any financial remuneration, although expenses for travel may be claimed
- Time commitment: 4 Board meetings per year. In addition, Trustees are expected to sit on sub committees or subsidiary company Boards. Meetings will be a mix of virtual and in person.
- Reporting to: Board of Trustees
Job description
We are a thriving arts centre with over 130,000 engagements in 2023/24, offering a diverse range of creative activities actively encouraging involvement from our entire community, welcoming everyone and inspiring future generations. We present and produce new work, support artists, encourage creative participation, measurably improve wellbeing and play a strategic role in developing innovative outdoor work.
To support the wonderful work the team here do, we are looking to recruit some new trustees to our Board and broaden the range of knowledge and perspectives as we look forwards and ambitiously plan for resilience, inclusion, relevance and dynamism into the next 5 years.
The Board is collectively responsible for the continuing success and sustainability of the Corn Exchange (Newbury) Trust - in line with the mission, objectives and values set out in The Trust’s strategic plans.
Each Trustee is a contributing part of the Board leadership group.
Each Trustee has a duty and responsibility for effectively governing the charity and directing how it is managed and run.
The Board must always act in the best interests of the Corn Exchange (Newbury) Trust acting as a group and being accountable for their performance.
Trustees will act as an ambassador for the Corn Exchange (Newbury) Trust.
A Trustee’s duties are:
- to contribute actively to the strategic direction of the organisation
- to ensure the charity is carrying out its objectives and purposes for public benefit
- to comply with the charity’s governing document and the law
- to manage the Charity’s resources responsibly
- to always act in the Charity’s best interests
- to always act with reasonable care and skill
- to ensure the Charity is accountable
The Corn Exchange Trust is an equal opportunities employer and we welcome expressions of interest from anyone who identifies with and is excited by this opportunity and who can bring energy, enthusiasm and commitment to the role. No previous experience as a trustee or as a member of a charity Board is required. Must be 18 or over.
How to apply
If you would like to express interest, please email your CV and a covering letter outlining the skills and expertise you would like to offer and reasons for your interest in the role of Trustee at the Corn Exchange to jessicaje@cornexchangenew.co.uk
- Advert for Corn Exchange Trustees 2025
- WORD 256.031 KB
- Corn Exchange Board of Trustees Role Specification 2025
- WORD 260.83 KB
- Corn Exchange Board of Trustees Role Specification 2025
- PDF 248.002 KB
- Advert for Corn Exchange Trustees 2025
- PDF 193.204 KB