Artists in Lockdown

For the past 10 weeks The Base resident artists have been at home away from their studios.
It’s a difficult time for many artists to remain creative, but many of our resident artists have created makeshift studios to pursue creativity while in lockdown.
We have caught up with a couple of our artists to see how they have been using their time and what artwork they have been creating.
Justine Buckland
Resident glass artist Justine Buckland has been documenting her time at home, having temporarily set up studio in her greenhouse. From scrub pattern cutting and face masks to completing commissions and making a new piece of art titled cooling off, Justine has been engaging with all kinds of creativity during this time. As well as enjoying the simple pleasures of being at home.
Click through the gallery below to see what Justine has been up to.

Inspired by the rainbow symbol to support our NHS, Justine has created a glass rainbow artwork. She has shared with us the process of making the piece.

Click here if you would like more information about Justine and her artwork. If you would like to keep up to date with Justine’s work, follow @justinebglass on Instagram and Facebook.
Samantha Emmons
Samantha has been busy with family during lockdown, but finding artistic inspiration from nature has been important for Samantha to continue her creativity at home, ‘I have been gathering photos for inspiration and doing a little bit of sketchbook work - drawing and painting from nature’.
From painting flowers and animals seen on family walks in the countryside, to experimenting with the details of natural forms, exploring nature has dominated Samantha’s creativity in lockdown.
Watch how Samantha captures the details of natural forms using a biro pen.
Click through the gallery below to see how Samantha has been experimenting with scenes of nature - sharing the progress of her mixed media artwork, indoor murals and exploring iPad technology to create digital artwork.

Click here if would like more information about Samantha and her artwork. If you would like to keep up to date with Samantha’s work, follow @artisams_paint on Instagram.