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Panto Cast In The Spotlight: Nathan Shaw

Q&A with Nathan Shaw

Our next panto cast member in the spotlight is Nathan Shaw who plays The Beast. Nathan tells us all about his pre-show rituals and how the Corn Exchange has always been somewhere he's wanted to work.

Have you been in a pantomime before? If so, which one(s) and what is your favourite thing about performing in one?

I have done Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs twice before! Once at Redhill in the ensemble and once as the Prince in Shoreham.

Is there a specific performance night that you are looking forward to the most?

I'm a sucker for Opening Nights and Gala Nights so it has to be those two for me. It always feels like it's a big build up to them and everyone is always buzzing!

Do you have any pre-show rituals to help you get into character?

I always personally have a little sing of the tough sections of the songs I sing before I go onstage just to work out how I will be singing it that day and then once I'm at my entrance I will take a few deep breaths and have a big stretch out of my back and then I'm ready to go.

Do you have any Christmas traditions?

I do! Every Christmas morning I do a massive music intros quiz with my family, it takes me hours to put it together but we do it whilst we are all having breakfast.

What is your favourite Christmas song?

My favourite Christmas song hast to be Last Christmas by Wham! You just can't go wrong.

What’s your favourite Christmas film?

This is really hard but it has to be Elf, it never fails to make me laugh.

Are you looking forward to spending the festive season in Newbury?

I'm really looking forward to it! Newbury is such a lovely town, I watched a friend in the Corn Exchange panto in 2018 and loved it so it's always been somewhere I've wanted to work.

Beauty and the Beast runs from Friday 24 November to Sunday 31 December 2023. Find out more and book your tickets here.