Staff Spotlight: Sally Fletcher-Bott

Meet our Fundraising and Research Officer Sally Fletcher-Bott in our latest Staff Spotlight.
What is your work background?
Until I started working for the Corn Exchange I worked as a bid manager and technical writer in the commercial world so working for the Corn Exchange is a complete change of scenery (literally) for me!
Where did you work before the Corn Exchange?
Before the Corn Exchange I was freelancing as a bid manager-mostly for companies that provide wireless and traffic management solutions. Now my sales proposals are for grants from Trusts and Foundations for our Learning Centre and performance projects and to help keep the Corn Exchange thriving!
What does a typical day at work look like?
My day is very varied and revolves around researching grant providers and applying for funds. I also spend time preparing evaluation reports so that our generous donors can see how we have spent their money!
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Everything! Working with such a lovely bunch of creative and generous people is a pure joy - the work that the Corn Exchange does in the community bringing arts to people really resonates with me.
What inspires you to be creative?
I am definitely inspired by the sparky people around me, and nature. I love to walk my two dogs in all seasons.
What advice would you give someone who wants to work in theatre/the arts?
If you get a chance to work in the theatre or in the arts - grab it with both hands! You will never be bored!