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Commissioning Opportunity for Artists

We're calling out to artists from all disciplines with an exciting commissioning opportunity to help connect communities through the power of the arts.

On Tuesday 17 March the Corn Exchange Newbury, along with many other theatres and arts centres across the country, closed its doors to the public amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As we're not currently able to deliver our usual programme of live performances, film, classes and workshops, we have been exploring other ways that we can help the community engage in creative activity.

We are offering artists the chance apply for one of five £1000 commissions to create a piece of work that can be presented in a format that people can enjoy remotely. This call out goes out to artists working in any art form, and applicants should consider projects that tackle current challenges such as parents who have to home school their children, the importance of keeping socially connected, advocating for the arts as an essential part of society and celebrating key workers.

Katy Griffiths
, Director of Corn Exchange Newbury, says ‘We recognise just how important the role of the Corn Exchange is as a space for people to come and connect with each other and with creative activity. Without the ability to do this in person, it feels right to reach out to support both our cultural and local communities and find new ways of bringing people together.’

To promote and share this work as widely as possible, projects needs to have elements of which are digital, or they can be entirely digital. Artists will be supported remotely by our team with all aspects including technical, marketing, and participatory and audience engagement elements.

Things you must consider:

- Accessibility
- Diversity

Things you might consider:

- The most vulnerable in our communities
- Supporting parents to home school their children
- Keeping socially connected
- Advocating for the arts as an essential part of society
- Celebrating key workers


The time is now! We hope that you can decide upon a process and outcome that can engage with people as soon as possible and we are available to find ways to help you to do this. But we are open to hearing about what you could produce and when. We will work with you to find touch points throughout the project to connect with our audiences, the first of which will be announcing our partnership and your initial ideas for the project.

What next?

Send us your pitch! This could be a written application, a video or a combination of both. Aim to cover the following points, so that we understand:
- Your idea
- Your audience/s
- How you will make it happen
- Who will be involved (artists and participants)
- How it will be inclusive and diverse
- How it will be shared and reach people
- When it will happen

Proposals and project ideas must be no longer than one side of A4 and should be sent to the Corn Exchange Newbury by email to by Monday 30 March at 10am.

Please feel free to get in touch for a chat about your ideas ahead of submission: