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We're running digital classes, workshops and more!

We are delighted to announce the first of our creative online sessions to support our community whilst people can’t access our provision.

Starting from Tuesday (24 March), we will providing a range of digital activities to keep you creative and connected at this time.

Our team have been busy planning lots of exciting vlogs, blogs and all kinds of other things to help with home schooling, to support your wellbeing and to hopefully bring a smile to your face. We hope you enjoy our content and the opportunity to do something productive, like learn a new skill whilst staying in.

We will be releasing new material all the time, so keep an eye on our various channels over the coming days and weeks.

Workshops w/c 23 March

Tuesday 24 March: Rhyme and Shine - interactive session via Zoom

Rhyme and Shine is a popular singing session that typically takes place in our Learning Centre for parents/ carers and babies aged 2 and under. Becci will be streaming a session which you can enjoy in the comfort of your home, via the online app Zoom. Find out more

Wednesday 25 March: Exploring Shakespeare -
Mr Shakespeare’s Marvellous Monologues - pre-recorded video accessible from website homepage
Corn Exchange Creative Learning Practitioner Ed Jaspers takes you through some of the great Shakespeare speeches, explaining the background and context and giving you insights into what Shakespeare – and the character – are up to. This series of short vlogs is perfect for those in Year 9 or working towards their GCSEs or A-levels, but will also appeal to any adults interested in learning more about the playwright and his work.

Feeling inspired? Why not rehearse one of the speeches to perform to your family? You could even construct a costume based on items within your home. Will you go for traditional Elizabethan dress or a more contemporary setting for your Shakespeare production? The possibilities are endless!

Thursday 26 March: Our Song - creative materials sent to care homes that we work with
Our Song is a music project which supports people with a variety of needs to gain access to the benefits that music can bring to their general wellbeing. We will be recording these sessions and sending them out to care homes locally, as well as those who attend our Memory Café, so we can stay in touch.

Friday 27 March: Alphabetland - phonics play for the under-5s -
pre-recorded video accessible from website homepage
Our Early Years and Education Officer will be recording 10 minutes of songs, rhymes and games, which will be uploaded onto our website.

Saturday 28 March: Art exercises to do at home - pre-recorded video accessible from website homepage

Join The Base resident artist and Afternoon Art tutor Richard Francis Bellin to explore some simple art techniques to do at home. Whether you are wanting to try something new or develop your skills, Richard will offer accessible instruction via video on painting and drawing techniques and skills, which will enable you to explore your own creativity.

Know someone who doesn’t have access to the internet? Let us know and we will call them or post them with some activities to enjoy. Email

Or, why not tell us what you'd like to see next!