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Dominoes: Post Event Video

Thousands of people flocked to Newbury town centre on Saturday 25 June to experience Dominoes, a 1km long domino run conceived and directed by Station House Opera and presented by Corn Exchange Newbury and 101 Outdoor Arts, which meandered its way through the town. Check out our video to see the event in action!

4500 giant dominoes were installed by 130 volunteers to form the route, beginning at The Elephant at the Market pub, winding their way through buildings in the town centre, traversing barges on the canal, weaving through St Nicholas Church and the Waterside Youth and Community Centre, and finishing in Victoria Park.

The wave of falling blocks created an engaging and mesmerizing spectacle that captured the town, with over 10,000 spectators lining the streets and following the wave before gathering in Victoria Park to watch the cascading blocks make their way up a monumental tower in the centre of the boating pond for their final splash.

Throughout the day, volunteers collaborated to make this event happen, working together as a team to ensure the tumbling dominoes continued on their journey during the fall. Volunteers included 30 refugees
from Afghanistan, currently residing in the local area, a youth team from the Waterside Youth and Community Centre and local families and businesses - we'd like to say another huge thank you to you all, as well as the local businesses and organisations and Newbury Town Council for helping to make this incredible spectacle happen.

Now that the event is over, we're pleased to have been able to donate the blocks to The Barn Owl Centre near Gloucester, where they will be used by the charity as part of a building project.

Our Outdoor Programme is produced by 101 Outdoor Arts with the support of Greenham Trust and Arts Council England. Dominoes was presented to mark Greenham Trust’s 25th Anniversary Youth Appeal.