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Newbury Sounds, raises over £5700 for the Old Library Campaign

Newbury was buzzing with activity on Friday 14 March, as we held our latest fundraising event, Newbury Sounds, in aid of the Old Library Campaign.

Curated in collaboration with local musician, Ben Richardson, five local bands performed to a packed auditorium, to raise money to convert the former library into a community arts hub. Ticket sales and donations on the night raised an amazing £5771.07 towards the Old Library Campaign, which will see the historic Old Library building on Cheap Street in Newbury, transformed into a new home for our creative participation work. 

There was a great energy in the auditorium as fans and soon-to-be fans of the bands gathered in anticipation of this five-act evening, compered by Kennet Radio’s Kate Carty, with some supporters even sporting band t-shirts of their favourite acts and holding signs up at the front of the crowd. 

Kicking off the evening was country/folk band Colorado River, followed by the newly formed Sion Whiley Band, who made their debut playing a series of alternative folk songs.  

Image credit: Tom Allen

Next to play were Bristol-based alternative-rock trio Infinite Horse, who originated in Newbury.  

Rock band A Dirty Soul co-headlined the event performing songs such as Sugar Rush and debuted their new single Rock N Roll is Dead. 

The evening concluded with co-headliners, Revenant, where audience members were treated to a special performance of their song It's the Least I Can Do which featured local musician Darren Evans playing the saxophone.  

Image credit: Tom Allen

Newbury Sounds was a fabulous event. It was amazing to see so many people come out and support our Campaign and local music and musicians. Thanks so much to Ben for working so passionately to make the event happen and supporting the Corn Exchange so actively. This very successful fundraising event has been a real boost as we move closer to reaching our fundraising target and getting the Old Library open as a community arts hub for West Berkshire.

Jessica Jhundoo-Evans Director, Corn Exchange Newbury