Summer Arts Challenge Week 4

The Corn Exchange Newbury is releasing a weekly Summer Arts Challenge with arts activities linked to the national curriculum.
This week, your arts challenge is based around dance.

EYFS: Dance (Physical Development)
Choose an upbeat playlist and try to dance like the following animals:
Wiggle like a worm
Prowl like a lion
Roll like a pig
Gallop like a zebra
Jump like a kangaroo
Slither like a snake
Hop like a bunny
Fly like a butterfly

KS1: Geography
Step 1: Choose a country outside of the UK and research their traditional or cultural dances.
Step 2: Watch as many videos as you can of their dancing.
Step 3: Pick 6 dance moves from the videos to practise and then put them in your own order to choreograph your own dance routine!

KS2: History

KS3: Physical Education
Research the following question: Why is dance good for your health?
Create a short TV advertisement promoting the physical and mental benefits of dance to other teenagers. You could incorporate different styles of dance. You could even film it with some friends!