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We chat Creative Writing with Jacqui Smith

Our brand new Creative Writing for Wellbeing course starts next month! We caught up with creative writing practitioner, Jacqui Smith, who told us what we can expect from the course.

Hi Jacqui!

Thanks so much for chatting with us, we'd love to know what's in store for the participants coming along to Creative Writing for Wellbeing. Let's begin...

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am a very young at heart 61 year old, who loves to create and play with words and many other forms of mixed media. I feel passionate about helping others to engage with and explore their creativity. I’m inspired by nature, friends and my dogs, who are a never ending source of entertainment and exercise in the great outdoors.

When was your first experience of Creative Writing?
My first experience of creative writing, that I can remember, was at Primary School in Nottingham when I was ten years old.

I wrote a poem about a plane tree. The poem rhymed, had rhythm and I remember felling very pleased with my effort. Over the years I have written journals, a lot of poetry, prose, business documents, letters and I am currently writing a book.

What’s best about it?
Creative writing helps me to have a better relationship with myself and gives me an expressive voice which is private. I can share what I’ve written if I want, or not. The best thing for me about creative writing is I can express anything I want to. I can decorate or embellish what I’ve written, include photos or pictures and it will always be unique to me. I love sharing these skills with others. Writing has also helped me in stressful times and given me an expressive outlet. It can do that for anyone.

What can participants expect from your Creative Writing for Wellbeing course?
First and foremost TO HAVE FUN. To be listened to. No one has to share in my groups if they don’t want to. To be given different exercises to do which will stimulate their creativity. Participants will also be supported in expressing themselves through writing, without worrying about spelling and grammar. Worrying about ‘getting it right’ destroys creativity, so we don’t do that.

And finally, using just 3 words, tell us why people should come...

Creative Writing for Wellbeing with Jacqui starts on Tuesday 26 February, 1pm - 3pm, for six weeks in the Learning Centre.

You can also find out more about Jacqui and her work at www.writenowforwellbeing.co.uk.