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Relaxed Screenings and Performances

Our relaxed screenings and performances are designed for those on the autism spectrum or anyone who would benefit from a relaxed environment.

At a relaxed screening, the soundtrack volume is reduced and low lights are left on. It’s fine to make noise, move around or leave the cinema.

We want to make sure cinema is accessible to all. People may experience many barriers when considering a trip to the cinema, and it’s our intention to break down these barriers and welcome everyone into a relaxed atmosphere.

Relaxed Performances are performances that specifically welcome people with particular needs and disabilities, and people with dementia may also prefer this type of performance. They aim to create a friendly atmosphere staffed by people who are aware of audience members with additional needs.

We welcome everyone to our relaxed performances, which are slightly amended and designed for audiences including people with autistic spectrum disorder, learning disabilities and photosensitivity in mind.

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